PTTG: Announcing a new teaching grant

Today in the State of the University Address President Young announced a new investment in faculty at Texas A&M. The Presidential Transformational Teaching Grant (PTTG) is the newest initiative within the President’s Excellence Fund. PTTG is intended to promote faculty creativity in the pursuit of teaching excellence. Specifically, faculty develop teaching and learning components with emphasis on either innovation or creativity; interdisciplinarity; diversity, equity and inclusion; or Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

The PTTG seed grant is administered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. The primary intent is to facilitate innovations within existing courses, curricula, or learning experiences. PTTG will fund 30 two-year projects per year: to include 20 projects by individual faculty at $20,000 and 10 team projects for $60,000 each. Teams should include faculty from distinct disciplines in different units (departments or colleges).

Faculty can post both a teaching profile, and also, their teaching interests, which are searchable by others, as are the PTTG proposals posted by individuals or teams.  All full-time Texas A&M University faculty from all ranks are eligible. Academic Professional Track faculty are especially encouraged to apply. A faculty member may only participate in one PTTG proposal, either individual or team, not both. Further, in future rounds faculty with currently funded PTTG proposals are not eligible in that round.

Selection of proposals will be semi-random wherein undergraduate teaching and graduate/professional teaching projects will be funded proportionally to the population served (75% undergraduate and 25% graduate), and, so long as there is sufficient diversity among submitted proposals, awards of each type of proposal (individual or team) will not exceed three per college.

The project posting period will take place from October 10, 2019 to November 22, 2019. Funded proposals will be announced December 20, 2019. Funding will start during the week of January 13, 2020. Funded faculty are required to present their well elaborated proposal plan during a gallery exhibition of infographics at the Transformation Teaching and Learning Conference April 29-30, 2020 (time TBD). Final reports will be due at the end of the funding period, end of Fall 2021.

If you have any questions please contact the Center for Teaching Excellence at