Profiles/One Pagers

Submission of all information should be done through or by clicking the login button above.

Goal: Create or edit a profile and develop a one-page project description on an interdisciplinary research project.

Action: Edit or create a profile, establish a team, and develop and submit a one-pager.

Edit/Create a profile: Profiles are available for all PI-eligible researchers (faculty or faculty equivalent research positions). After logging in to the website, an initial profile is created for the name of the person logging in. Profiles may be accessed via a link found in the upper right corner of the website. Form fields are available to insert more detailed information. 

Organize team: PI Eligible (faculty or faculty equivalent research positions) researchers will provide the UINs of co-leads (if applicable) and all team members, and the role of each individual (including the expertise from each individual’s discipline). The team members’ information will automatically be populated (team members’ names, titles, departments, colleges, and email addresses).  If a researcher needs a team member to fill unmet expertise, research profiles can be searched through those posted on this link. An additional resource for finding Texas A&M research expertise is  Scholars@TAMU or this tutorial on  Youtube.

Develop a one-pager: Once expertise for the project has been identified and a team developed, the team lead (or co-leads) should develop a one-pager for submission. The Word template must be used to develop the one-pager. If you plan on making additional changes to the template, please save as a Word file. Once you are prepared to submit the document, it must be submitted as a PDF document. Margins are set at one-half inch with 11 point Times New Roman font for text.

One-pagers should:

  • State the  topic(s) to be addressed
  • Define the scope of the topic(s) the team intends to address and provide a motivation for their choice (why are they important?)
  • Describe the intellectual challenges to be addressed and the need for an interdisciplinary approach
  • Provide an explanation, written for a lay audience, on the significance of the proposed research and its potential impact

Review: The President’s Excellence Fund Steering committee will manage the one-pager review process.

Evaluation Criteria  (100 points total)
Feasibility of proposed research plan 0-20 points
Significance of proposed research 0-25 points
Potential impact of proposed research; impact goes beyond potential to obtain external funding and includes any scholarly activity or outcome which advances A&M’s national and international prominence 0-30 points
Appropriate scope of interdisciplinary team (leverages unique strengths/capabilities at Texas A&M)and addresses not only technical aspects of the proposal but also any social/behavioral ones 0-25 points

The X-Grants program is looking for large teams to address complex interdisciplinary research. While a minimum number of team members has not been prescribed, to be competitive a team needs to include the interdisciplinary expertise to address their proposed research scope. Also, projects with all team members from only one college will not be considered as interdisciplinary, and therefore will not be considered for funding.