Submit Preliminary Proposals

Submission of all information should be done through or by clicking the login button above.

Goal: Invited Teams Develop Preliminary Proposals

Action: Add team members, and develop and submit preliminary proposal

Update Preliminary Proposal Name: The title should not exceed 200 characters. Use an Up Style (capitalize first and last words in the title and all “major” words in between).

Update Roles and Responsibilities of Each Team Member: Provide a description of each team members’ roles and responsibilities. To add members, provide the UINs, designate their type (co-lead [if applicable] or member), and the role of each individual (including the expertise from each individual’s discipline). The team member’s information will automatically be populated (team member’s name, title, department, college, and email address). Leaders, Co-Leaders, and Contact Only roles can edit all members (change them to any other role). Members can only view. To edit the role of members, click EDIT, select new role, click SAVE. If the person being updated is going to be the new Leader, the current Leader is moved to Co-Leader. If the current Leader does not want to be a Co-Leader, they can then update themselves to Contact Only.

Preliminary Proposal Project Description: (Save as PDF and Upload.)

  • Guidelines: Should not exceed five pages (excluding the references cited) when printed on 8.5 X 11inch paper, with a minimum text font size of no smaller than 11 point Times New Roman. Margins should be no smaller than a half an inch on all sides. Any figures, if included, must fit within the five-page limit.
  • Statement of Significance and Potential Impact (written for a non-specialist audience):
    • State the significance of the proposed work, its relation to larger problems/challenges facing our world, and the potential impact of the project results.
    • State the expected outcomes, including dissemination and publication goals. Also describe your plans after X-Grants project completion, including targeted external funding opportunities, other impactful activities and how the team plans to continue and sustain its collaboration after the internal funding is spent. 
  • Research Plan:
    • State the grant’s research objective(s).
    • Describe the intellectual contributions that make this an interdisciplinary approach.
    • Describe the research methods and approaches that will be used to achieve the goals and work plan to accomplish the research objectives.
  • Interdisciplinary Team Profile:
    • Describe any prior work of team members related to this topic and its outcomes.
    • Describe all previous collaborations of team members over the past five years, including funding, publications, disclosures, and other impactful activities.
    • Provide a bio for each team member (uploaded individually for each team member).
  • Cited References: (Upload on template provided at end of Project Description five pages. This page is not included in your five-page limit.)
    • Save your Preliminary Proposal information by clicking the Save button.
    • Upload your Preliminary Proposal by saving as a PDF and upload. You must upload your Preliminary Proposal PDF.
  • Team Member Bios: (Save template as PDF and Upload)
    • All members must upload a two-page PDF bio/CV. Scroll down to the Members list to upload your file. Upload a bio for each team member individually.
    • Highest degree earned, discipline, and name of institution awarding the degree.
    • Professional positions/appointments held and institutional affiliations (listed in reverse chronological order).
    • Up to five products most closely related to the proposed project and up to five other significant products. Acceptable products must be citable and accessible including but not limited to publications, data sets, software, patents, and copyrights. Include full citation information including names of all authors, date of publication or release title, title of enclosing work such as journal or book, volume, issue, pages, website, and URL or other persistent identifier.
    • Up to five significant invited lectures.
    • Up to five significant grants and role on grants.
    • Honors and/or research impact measures.
  • Collaborators List: (Upload on template provided)
    • Provide a collaborators list for all team members.

Evaluation Criteria  (100 points total)
Feasibility of proposed research plan 0-20 points
Significance of proposed research 0-25 points
Potential impact of proposed research, including potential to obtain external funding and includes any scholarly activity or outcome which advances A&M’s national and international prominence 0-30 points
Appropriate scope of interdisciplinary team (leverages unique strengths/capabilities at Texas A&M)and addresses not only technical aspects of the proposal but also any social/behavioral ones 0-25 points

Budget Guidelines:

Budgets will be requested only for full proposals. See guidelines below for full proposals.